Natural Stone Front Gate & Wall Restoration

One of our working partners, takes our stone and shapes it for his own clients projects – and we get to see some of the work done.

In this instance there was a wall, with damage on the coping stones an posts that were getting worn and damanged.   It needed to be restored with the same design and as much walling as possible.

Buxton Architectural Stone Frontage Rebuild in Natual Stone Altrincham before repairs
Buxton Architectural Stone Frontage Rebuild in Natual Stone - old coping stones -Altrincham

After new posts were created, with caps, and coping stones for the walls; the restoration was complete.  In keeping with the property, style and authenticity.

Click the images to see more detail.

Buxton Architectural Stone Frontage Rebuild in Natual Stone Altrincham Copers
Buxton Architectural Stone Frontage Rebuild in Natual Stone Altrincham
Buxton Architectural Stone Coping Work Altrincham